Monday, August 12, 2013

My Absence is NOT Justified...However I will Attempt to Make it so!

Yeah, yeah, yeah I suck...I know. Forgive me!

My lovely readers (assuming I still have some), it has been an embarrassingly lengthy time since I posted anything on this here little humble blog of mine. One of my best friends had to give me a swift kick in the butt and with just a few encouraging words I was motivated to create a post! And Voila! Thanks, Dana!

But really, it’s perfectly okay if you want to refer to me as Judas or Brutus for a bit because I know that I have absolutely no legitimate excuse to justify my betrayal to you very beautiful lot! Jesus wasn’t down for Judas betraying Him and I’m sure Caesar didn’t take it too well from Brutus either. I’m just saying…I get it!  

But, here’s what happened. My priorities shifted and I needed to take a step back and figure out where my life was headed. I reexamined my spiritual and natural life, career and educational plans, visions for my future, and ultimately what actions I need to perform now in order to achieve what I desire to achieve. It may sound cliché but my hopes and dreams, five year plan, and daily routine has changed drastically. Me right now is totally not the Me from six months ago. You understand me? I guess I’m growing up. It’s all a part of life. And I hear that around my age, mid 20s, perspectives start to change. And I needed that air, yah know? I needed it without the many distractions cyber city brings. And that’s pretty much it in a nutshell.

So yes…I had a bit of a “find me journey.”  I never thought I would embark on what I once considered such a trivial thing but hey…you learn a lot about yourself when you just take time to contemplate, breathe, and settle down. Now I didn’t do any hardcore contemplation on man’s existential dilemma, take a meditation class or some mess like that (not knocking it, just saying). I asked God to reveal to me my purpose and His plans for my life so I can do what He made me to do instead of wanting to do what I want to do. Also, I just needed to truly rediscover my likes and dislikes, beliefs and values, what I deserve/my worth in this world, strengthen my relationship with Christ, and be set free from circumstances holding me back spiritually, physically, and naturally. Okay, I'm done yapping.

So there you have it. I did some soul searching and I recommend you do the same. You know how you complete a detox or spend some time eating clean? Your soul and spirit demands the same attention. Spend some time in the library/bookstore. Take a vacation. Bask in scenery you’ve never experienced before. Cut some unnecessary people or activities out of your life. Start a journal/diary. Depict your life years from now and write about how you’re going to get there. Pray and open up to God about your concerns, wants, and needs. Take up new hobbies. Do something wild and crazy-something folks wouldn’t expect of you!

Now that we’re done playing ketchup, ;-), I’m going to jot down some more blog topics and I’ll meet you back here later on this week! Sound good? Good! See yah!
**Oh yeah! Check out the film adaptation preview to The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. CAN'T WAIT! One of my all time FAVORITE books! Up there with Harry Potter, I tell yah!**

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