Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Overcome Writer's Block: The Secret Place

Phase II: Find Your Secret Place

Phase I focused on giving your mind a break and stop thinking. For Phase II I want to discuss finding a place that comforts the soul of your writing, somewhere you can dwell that works your magic without you even realizing it. I call this the Secret Place.

Yes, it is biblical and has a virtually diverse meaning in that sense. However, as much as I apply the bible to enhance my spiritual walk and faith in Christ Jesus and simply guide/instruct my way of living…I have other usages for the bible as well. Considering books of the bible contain the greatest stories ever told,--honestly, have you read about the beasts and days of tribulation in Revelation? WOAH! –it’s a great text to delve into to get symbolism ideas…I’m so serious.

The Secret Place regarding writing and overcoming writer’s block focuses on establishing an area that you can call your own. Before my grandmother passed in July 2011, sitting in the lounging chair in her room alongside her bed was my own Secret Place. I pushed out some of my most effective and majestic writing in that chair in her room and in her presence. Now that she’s gone and I’m no longer at her house very often, I haven’t really found a Secret Place as good as that…somewhere I’m absolutely comfortable, a place full of light or good energy, a place where my gift of writing tends to go on overload. I honestly think I drew some of my writing energy from her. 

Your Secret Place can be your closet, in front of the fireplace, your back patio, a favorite beach, a corner in the public library, the cemetery, the church pew (not during service of course, haha), the bathtub or Jacuzzi, Panera, a local coffee shop, the rocks near a waterfall, under the bridge in a park, a lake-house or cabin in the deep woods, or wherever. Just find a place that promotes good energy, good concentration, and relaxation. Somewhere with not too much noise, you can leave your worries behind, and just get some awesome writing done!

Oh, and a tip! Your Secret Place may not want to surround noisy kids. Now, I’m just saying…I got 99 problems but a kid ain’t one!

Just kidding, Just Kidding, Just kidding…I love the kiddies! I work in Education for goodness sake! But honestly, it’s hard to hash out some awesome pages with my niece and nephew surrounding me…unless they’re napping of course! ;-)

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